Salary Guide: Into 2025


As we write our Foreword, a ceasefire has been agreed and rolled out in the Gaza conflict, Trump is now the 47th President of the United States and the UAE continues to set the standard once more for the “place of choice” across numerous global indices.

Regional salary levels in 2024 were largely stagnate with limited increments apparent across certain specialised areas; where regional supply of talent is either under-developed and/or evolving in nature. The tilted supply and demand equation continues to be a consideration across most areas of the UAE job and recruitment market; with an ongoing influx of talent (via population growth) has in many areas outstripped the pace of job creation. This is also now apparent away from some of the traditional areas and sources of job migration and subsequently, employers have been able to take advantage of both deeper talent pools and an increasingly competitive job market, where salaries and overall packages tend to be “open to negotiation”.

In general, the job search within the UAE is becoming more sophisticated, specific and selective in nature. Whilst salary can often be a negotiation point, the cost of recruitment and employment means that companies are increasingly aware of hiring strategy and plans. This has a definite ripple effect in the market and whilst the UAE is largely business friendly, it does also rank high on the global cost index.

One sentiment that our survey demonstrates is that the “one glove fits all” analogy doesn’t necessarily apply. Recruiters are often either cited or asked to present a “salary hike figure” however, our in-house view is to steer away from that. Each regional (and even Emirate) market has its different dynamic before even factoring-in the numerous nuances of each industry and sector. Whilst the supply & demand relationship can be viewed and commented-on at a macro level, it will likely have a different drip-down effect across the various sectors and/or the nature of the job in question (reflected also in the survey).

The view at Charterhouse, is that following on from some flatlines in 2024, 2025 should see small to moderate increases in wage bands across the mid-to-senior professional lines of our market focus. This will be mirrored however, with the ongoing high supply of talent pools either already in the market, on the ground & looking or open to relocation for a UAE job opportunity.

The lifestyle versus “salary-style” consideration is now a definite and apparent equation within the UAE and regional market. The destination of choice versus any perceived or previous hardship-posting is a thing of the past. Whilst the upside to this is a larger and more varied career opportunity (as the market grows and diversifies), the competition for jobs remains unabated.
As always and in to our 21st year, Charterhouse Middle East will always update and adapt with the trends, within these very excitement and dynamic times for the UAE and the region.

UAE Salary Guide 2025